Nathalie Baptiste

Haiti is Not a Shithole

  • Posted on: 13 January 2018
  • By: Bryan Schaaf

Haiti is a troubled but beautiful country, more sinned against than sinning, betrayed at times even by even those who claim to be its friends.  Many who have lived or worked in Haiti know the kindness, the decency, and the resiliency of the Haitian people - this is where the true beauty of the country lies.  For those who have not had the chance, take a bit of time to learn about Haiti.  Here is a brief National Geographic Video about Haitian photographers who portray their communities as they, rather than others, see them.  Older blogs on "Haiti in Photos" (Part One and Part Two) show Haiti as it really is rather than people perceive it to be. Finally below is an article by Mother Jones writer Nathalie Baptiste on the responsibility that countries such as the United States and France bear for Haiti's current situation.