

Tales from the Hood: Looking Back on Haiti

  • Posted on: 29 December 2010
  • By: Bryan Schaaf

“Tales from the Hood” is a blog written by an expat, currently based in Haiti, about humanitarian assistance, international development, and the good and bad that comes with it for aid worker and recipient alike. It includes observations, insights, criticism, and a willingness to raise (albeit anonymously) the questions that keep aid workers up at night.  Below is a three part blog where he looks back on the Haiti response – what was different about it, whether responders are succeeding or failing, and implications for the future.  For those interested in photography, you can find his Haiti photo album on Flickr.  

A Call for Writers

  • Posted on: 11 April 2010
  • By: Bryan Schaaf

The Haiti Innovation website has come a long way over the past five years.  However, there is still much to do and we want you to invite you to be a part of the team.  More specifically, we need a few good writers.  You don't have to be a professional journalist, just someone with a passion for Haiti, an understanding of Haitian development issues, and a willingness to learn and share.  If you are interested, please contact me at

Blogging Haiti

  • Posted on: 25 August 2008
  • By: Bryan Schaaf

Haitians say that their country has teeth. Once it has bitten you, it may not let you go.  There are a large number of bloggers who write about Haiti for many different reasons - the one thing they have in common is that blogging allows them to stay connected to a country they care about.  Blogging is inherently democratic in that anyone with interest, motivation, and access to the internet can visit Blogspot, Wordpress, or any number of other free websites and, with a few keystrokes, start writing almost immediately.  Haiti Innovation decided to take a look at who else was blogging Haiti - here is what we found.

Haiti Innovation Wants to Hear From You!

  • Posted on: 5 July 2008
  • By: Bryan Schaaf

There have been many changes at Haiti Innovation over the past year.  With the invaluable assistance of Development Seed, the organization which designed the Haiti Innovation website, we've effectively made the transition to a no cost, non profit consultancy.  We now regularly provide technical assistance, guidance and contacts to individuals and organizations who are currently working in Haiti or interested in doing so. We also speak frequently with journalists to help impart a more balanced view of Haiti and the developmental challenges the country faces.  And of course, we continue to blog.  Haiti Innovation is growing and we want you to be an active member of our community.