Haiti: Where Batteries Go to Die

Solar power has never been utilized the extent possible in Haiti nor has wind power. I've seen both wind up and solar powered models of radios, but not on a large scale.
I recently learned about solar powered flashlights called SunNight Solar. There is some interest in using these in refugee camps as they would be a valuable tool for protection. The trick is that everyone must have one or those who do have one could ironically become more vulnerable. SunNight Solar is also planning to build lantern-type units which could light a small room adequately.
I think these flashlights would have real value in Haiti as the electification process has been slow at best. They have an interesting promotion going on right now where if you buy one for 25 dollars, one will be donated to the charity of your choice.
You can find more information on these solar powered flashlights at http://bogolight.com. If you know of other examples of appropriate technology that could be useful to Haiti, please let us know.
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